Monday, July 29, 2013

Titling this 'the final countdown' would be slightly too cheesy, wouldn't it?

Church blog is still in the writing, but I'm getting distracted by swing dance youtube videos and blues dancing with AJ, so it might be up tomorrow.

It is 8.30 oops 10.05 on a Monday evening, our last Monday at the dig, and it is hot. It was apparently over 100 degrees in Budapest earlier, but up here in the mountains it was only (!!) mid-90s. Don't worry, we're hydrating very well and putting on lots of sunscreen. Besides, I'm mostly in the shade over in my little corner pit.

I'm really not sure how we're going to finish everything we need to finish by Friday, but I'm betting this week is going to go upsettingly fast. Purely out of spite because it is the last week and I'm finally in a groove with everyone and everything and we have so much more to dig.

I would very much like to come back next year, ideally on Denice's linguistic anthropology field school or this dig again if not. Or! The 'experimental archaeology' class that didn't end up happening this year, but would have gone through metal working and/or leather working; basically making the artifacts we find in as close as possible ways to the originals. I'd really just like to come back and do something like this again, because there is so much I haven't been able to learn and see.

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