Sorry, the fourth Pirates was on telly when I went downstairs earlier and now it's stuck in my head.
Things I've been thinking about:
+ Went to Hampton Court today. Gorgeous place, forgot my camera, but will be going back probably with the Williams'+Co or just by myself after 5 April. (There's a new exhibit coming called: The Wild, the Beautiful, and the Damned, about the lavish decadence of Charles II. So totally going to that.) But what I got out of that the most is something I made a quick note of in my mobile notepad: forget duchess, princess, queen and consort. I'd rather be called empress.
+ I like little local coffee shops. There's one basically at each end of my area and at one end I get tandoori chicken in a baguette and a mocha and at the other I get a mocha and today a cajun chicken wrap made especially by the very nice guy who owns the shop. I like talking to people and bonding over food and music and the weather. It's nice.
+ You really do have to make your own future. Things don't happen unless you make them happen. I knew that in theory, but it's nice to have the example of practice.
+ I really like cider.
+ Writing about Buffy for Genre Studies is really, really awesome.
+ I'm really, really excited to go see Ladykillers tomorrow. My first proper Famous Person play and it's with Ben Miller!! I think I'm going to go in around noon, wander a bit, have a spot of afternoon tea, wander a bit more, and have a nice dinner before the show. I do like to treat myself.
+ I'm also really, really excited to go to the Official Doctor Who Convention with my parents. AND a TARDIS set tour, ahhhhh!
* Jolly Sailor Bold, from Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides. I learned how to play this on my flute this summer and trust me, it really is a song that pulls you in. I spent at least an hour playing it over and over and didn't even realize it. Kinda creepy, eh?
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