Friday, February 10, 2012

Why is it that when I write an angsty blog post and go all introspective, I end up having a really good rest of my day? I think it's the universe's way of saying shut up and enjoy your life, you're in bloody England!

Took a wander around the neighborhood and surrounding streets and took pictures of how pretty everything was in the melting snow, then headed to class where we spent an hour and a half looking at the rise of the horror genre. Except it was more rise of the science-fiction-horror genre since the 1950s, which was awesome because we started with all the excellent B movies of the 50s. In the words of Eddie Izzard "THE THING THAT CAME FROM SOMEWHERE" and other such excellently dramatic titles. And then afterwards, I asked her about the connection between sci-fi and horror and she, also being a huge sf buff, said she'd send me some scholarly sci-fi links so I can write about the genre for our final assessment. Ugh, I love uni. Why can't I make a living off of being an academic fangirl?

The best part, though, was how towards the end when she was running out of time, she had a slide that linked to a documentary and she told us to go watch that documentary for more in-depth info on the horror genre. That documentary was A History of Horror, as put together and narrated by an actor/writer I'm particularly fond of. Most excellent. So I spent the next hour watching part one and doing research for our first assessment, which is due mid-March.

5.30 saw me awkwardly introducing myself to a small part of the Skate and Longboard Society, which was really weird, but the guy who posted the info on the movie session said it was open to anyone who wanted to come. So we hung out for a little while and then watched The Rum Diary. You know, the one that just looked like it would be Johnny Depp playing Jack Sparrow in the modern day? Well, it was actually based on a book by Hunter S. Thompson and it was actually really good. So after that I declined going out for drinks with the cute but awkward boys and decided to hit up the local off-license as I went home. Things to love about England #475: two litre bottles of Strongbow cider. Mmm, yummy!

And now I will either continue watching A History of Horror with Mark Gatiss or finish the episode of Sherlock I was rewatching last night (also ironically co-starring Mr. Gatiss) whilst drinking my new favorite drink.

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